#3 Attention! You can craft green Unlock Magic spells that open magic locks! The are from the Witchcraft category and the probability of creating them is about 20%. #2 Attention! To craft spells, you should have at least level 2 of Crafting and the power of spells increases with the level of your ability. #1 Attention! You can only create elemental spells (fire, water, air, earth) and witchcraft spells. Skillbook with the spell from the Skill Scroll Skill Scroll with a spell of the same element Skill Scroll - random spell of the same element The element and type of spells that you create is random. The basic elements are Pixie Dust, some paper (Sheet of Paper/Parchment, or any other, even if something is written on it, but it's not essential to the plot), and a magic quill (Quill/Quill & Ink Pot).
Crafting magic scrolls and books is a bit more difficult.