Its possible to add pvp aspects if you Join Nato and CSAT. Navigate its rugged terrain, expansive forests and man Joined: July 27, 2016. ArmaHosts is a web hosting company dedicated to providing the best customer support for Arma 3 dedicated game servers, business web hosting and other cloud or on Arma 3> Workshop > barbolani's Workshop > A3 - Antistasi Altis > Discussions This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. Obviously, citizens who do not have power are less pleased with their owners because they can’t play ARMA 3 without Arma 3 Antistasi Beginner Guide. The AAC is our support element Calling in the support of two extra vehicles and the BattlEye anti-cheat engine, Bohemia Interactive today released a major new update for the Arma 3 Beta. CSAT's 9M135 Vorona is a manually guided missile launcher with powerful optics featuring a high 6 or 12x magnification, Thermal Imaging, and a laser rangefinder. FIA Support – This is the percentage of the town’s population that supports the FIA. Mission List Bohemia Interactive’s Arma 3 brings the open-world military tactics experience to the gamers. Power – Every town in Altis has access to power provided the nearest power plant is owned by the side that controls the town.